October 29, 2016
Directors Cut No.2: Smoky Gin
October 2016 saw the launch of the next distillation in our Limited Edition series, Director’s Cut Gin. A project launched every year to mark the birthday of Portobello Road Gin and it’s founding father, Ged Feltham. It focuses on botanicals that are hand-harvested by one of the directors and distilled in small batches by master distiller Jake Burger. After the freshness of 2015’s Asparagus Gin, this second edition was all together more Autumnal & we proudly announced Director’s Cut No.02 was to be Smoky Gin, to celebrate our fifth year.
Distilled in small batches over the 350th Anniversary of The Great Fire of London (2nd – 5th September) using Irish peat & chipotle smoked juniper (with the peat being hand dug by our founder Ged Feltham at his ancestral home of County Kerry, Ireland), Lapsang Souchong tea, chipotle & all the traditional Portobello botanicals.

It was the last Portobello release to be distilled on our diminutive 30L Still, Copernicus II in our original home above The Portobello Star, as that little Still was given a well deserved retirement & our limited editions going forward are now distilled in our 400L Still at our new home: The Distillery. As with our previous Director’s Cut, it was an acquired taste but those who enjoy a smoky beverage then this one would have definitely been for you.
Directors Cut No.2 is now sold out but stay updated for our next Limited Edition project or Directors Cut by following us on our social channels and signing up to our newsletter.